Tuesday 18 December 2012

Summary of our Filming Days

Day 1) On this day we filmed all our shots that comprise our "present day" timeline in addition to all the shots of trains that we used in our production.
For the present day timeline we filmed inside Bourne cemetary, we started at 8 o'clock and we were planning to stay there until 11; however we managed to get all the shots we needed very quickly and with no problems. The shots we took here were those of our original idea for the title screen that was to have the credits roll on the gravestones. We later abandoned this idea as it proved to be impractical and didn't look good or in theme with the rest of the production.
In addition to the gravestone shots we also filmed our intro that consists of Connor Marshall walking towards a gravestone (not showing the name) while carrying flowers and placng them at the base of the grave.
Subsequently we moved to the Tallington level crossing and took our shots of the trains to use in the production; it took from 1 till 3 to get a wide variety of shots that we could use in the film.

Day 2) In this day we filmed all the shots from the flashback that is the main bulk of the production. We filmed at a discontinued train line in Rippingale, here we managed to get all our footage and came up with our current idea of the credits that consisted of writing our credits on the track sleepers. However this idea was discarded as the tracks were wet and we couldn't write properly on them, however we modified this idea and wrote the credits on some planks that Matthew had the good idea to bring. These planks were then positioned on one of the abandoned train locomotives that was present on site. We also used the same planks to write our title on.
Overall the day went without any major problems although the sun caused havoc by creating annoying shadows that always seemed to get caught on camera.

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