Friday 15 February 2013

How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?

These certain survey questions relate to the way in which our production was made, the plot we followed and the expectations of our audience that we feel that we fulfilled in the production of our film:

The result of this particular question was instrumental in the opening of our thriller and I believe that we have definitely fulfilled the audience expectations in the representation of death in our thriller opening. This is shown quite clearly by the fact that our victim is run over by a train and there is no way she would have escaped, obscuring the audience’s view of her actually dying but symbolising death and referring to its occurrence.

We have also referred to this question in the production of our thriller opening. We decided to focus on making a film that would need the audience to concentrate as that seems to be what the audience want and what they expect of a thriller film. The title that we used, Kate’s revenge, is ironic because Kate dies in the opening of our thriller, making the audience think, ‘how can she get revenge when she is dead?’ Also, the plot has to be concentrated on due to the narration which gives an insight into the reasoning behind what is happening in our thriller opening. If the audience do not listen to the narration then they will struggle to understand what is happening and why.


We used fast-paced editing fairly successfully in the editing of our film. This was mainly to hide the mainstream continuity errors that came from a lack of shots but also, we decided that the flashes of a fast-moving train, jumping away from the main plot, added suspense and suggested a build-up to something. Our fast-paced editing also challenged the audience to keep up with what was happening, so therefore we didn’t have to focus too hard on what the plot actually was as it would always be a struggle to take everything in. The trains that we flashed throughout our movie here and there, makes the audience uncomfortable, especially in the very first scene as there is a sudden jump from the calm, yet eerie, silence of the graveyard to the sudden loud noise of the train jetting past.

The audience would have been expecting typical props like a balaclava and some type of weapon. We managed to avoid the use of weapons apart from the rock that was used to knock the victim unconscious. They also would have been expecting dark scenes and creepy music. We attracted our audience through by using completely different ways of creating a thriller film. Instead of a psychological, creepy thriller, we made our thriller opening as much more action-packed with the use of fast-paced editing and dramatic scenes and actions.

This Prezi shows the audience's responses to our thriller opening:

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