Tuesday 16 October 2012

Seven Analysis Notes

· Formal Clothing

· Very organised professional person, everything is in order.

· Methodical thinker

· Stubborn, likes to do things his own way

· Cuts straight to a dead body

· Lighting highlights the dead body

· Blood behind the man to show clearly that someone had been killer.

· Different personalities. Brad Pitt has a lot more casual approach to everything showing a clear contrast between the two main characters.

· The rain represents dreariness and the flushing away off life.

· The low camera shot shows the dominance of the characters.

· Brad Pitt has less respect and a cheekiness.

· Morgan Freedman says about the next 7 days, referring to the title of the film.

· Brad Pitt’s body language and actions show annoyance and anger.

· Mise on Scene props like the lamp fallen over, the tin cans, the table and the plates which add effect and realism to the plot.

· Clock represents the ticking away, very realistic and conventions of a thriller.

· Very interesting title sequence, cutting between different background shots, the titles are in a thriller type font and stands out against the background. Starts immediately with a man playing with razor blades and he seems to be keeping a journal of the things that he has done. Very creepy and a psychological thriller, getting rid of the skin of his fingers to change his fingerprints. Red light flashes symbolising blood and danger.

· After the title sequence there is then a title that comes up showing us that it is Monday and referencing the start of the seven days that were mentioned before the titles and in the name of the film.

· All shots are quite close-up in the title sequence, hiding everything else that is going on and making you uncomfortable due to an invasion on space possibly.

· Changes to quite creepy high pitched music as the pace begins to quicken and build tension.

· The words ‘you bring me close to God’ symbolises the reference of someone dying and getting closer to God.

· Suddenly more of a reference towards Brad Pitt having a wife due to him laying with a woman in a bed and clearly they are in love.

· Miss what’s going on outside due to the scene cutting straight from him looking out the window to him sitting on the bed.

· Morgan Freedman is so stubborn and less humane so he rejects Brad Pitt’s offer of a cup of tea. About to enter a crime scene and the area looks very rough with burnt cars and graffiti. Very dreary colours make it look as if they are intruding on a completely different world to what they are used to.

· Already know that this scene is not going to be nice.

· Following in single file to show dominance and knowledge.

· Non-digetic, uncomfortable sound to build tension as soon as they enter the house to make the audience feel like something bad is going to happen.

· Indications that this is not going to be a nice scene judging by the insects crawling around.

· Shocking realisation as the size of the dead man and how much spaghetti the man eats.

· We know this film is about the seven deadly sins and the first sin is clearly gluttony by the size of the man and the spaghetti could possibly be put there by the killer to symbolise that specific deadly sin.

· Holding a shot to build tension as the audience wants to find out what he is looking at.

· The man’s hands and feet are tied together, clearly showing that the man was forced to eat.

1 comment:

  1. It would be beneficial if you commented on the effectiveness of each of the terms. I know mise en scene is used, you need to explain specifically which elements you are talking about and how they affect your understanding and interpretation of character and plot.
