Wednesday 14 November 2012

Our Media Questionnaire


Q1) What is your favourite film genre? (Please circle the relevant answers)

Thriller / Comedy / Action / Horror / Romantic Comedy / Sci-Fi /

Q2) When did you last go to the cinema? (Please circle the relevant answers)

This week / Last week / 2-4 weeks ago / 1 month ago / 3 months ago / 6 months ago /

1 year ago / Never / Other……….

Q3) In your mind, what is the ideal length of a thriller film?

Under 30 minutes / 31 minutes – 1 hour / 1:01 hr/mins – 1 hr 30 mins / 1hr 31 mins – 2 hrs /

2 hrs – 2 hrs 30 mins / Over 2 hours 30 minutes

Q4) Do you stream movies online?

Yes / No

Q5) Given 2 hours leisure time, what would you choose to do?

Go out with friends / Have a meal / Listen to the radio / Watch a film at home / Watch a film at the cinema / Watch the television / Read a magazine /

Q6) What was the last film you watched, either at home or at the cinema?

Q7) Do you like to watch a film that involves death?

Yes / No

Q8) On average, how much would you spend on a DVD / Blu-Ray copy?

£0- £2 / £2:01 - £5 / £5:01 - £10 / £10:01 -£15 / £15:01 - £20

Q9) Do you prefer films where you have to concentrate on the plot, or where it is clearer to you what is happening?
Yes / No

Q10) ‘I am a film enthusiast’. To what extend would you agree or disagree with this statement

Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree or Disagree / Agree/ Strongly Agree

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